Tuesday 2 September 2014

All About Me

Hello there! My name is Katie Eckel and I am a senior Marketing major at Quinnipiac University. I'm originally from Westchester, New York. I believe that this IDD class is something that I need as a marketing major considering I will be working with advertisements. It is important to understand the tools and fundamentals to be able to expand your creativity in this field. I have worked with Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign before but I need a huge refresher. I want to become better at these applications especially since I will be applying for marketing positions soon. These skills will set me apart from others and I am excited to start learning!

Here is the image that I altered using Photoshop. I decided to change the background to make the image more eye catching and then I changed the way that my body looked. I used a brown colored Half Toned Pattern. This makes my skin look a little dotted and changed the hue of my skin tone and hair.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I enjoyed the color schemes and changes you made. My only comment is to add more variety to the adjustments.
