Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Point, Line, and Plane

The reading from our book, Graphic Design: The New Basis, we had to read the chapter called Point, Line, and Plane. From this chapter, I learned that a point can be very insignificant in a piece of work or it can be the whole focal point. A series of points creates texture or different shading in a visual. A line is an infinite series of points. It can either connect two points or show what an object is moving towards. Planes are not just the things that fly in the sky. They are flat surfaces that have a height and width. Planes are basically shaped that have been formed by the closing of a series of lines. This chapter showed that a point in necessary to create a line and a line is necessary to create a plane. This chapter also talked about space and volume and how this creates depth perception. 




Layer Masks

This was my favorite assignment that we did with Photoshop. I loved learning how to create layer masks. It makes sense why things are so easily created and edited to look real. I used the wilderness as my theme throughout my four layer masks. What was great about layer masks is that you could change the opacity of the brush which makes things look faded into the background as if they were actually apart of the image. Here are my four images that were created with layer masks, reflections, and gradients.

Star Gazing: added images include the moon, stars in the sky, the dog, and the text.

Paradise: added images include the dolphin, its shadow,  the boat, vibrance in flowers, and the text.
Don't Look Left: added images include the shark, the birds, and the text.
Wilderness Surprise: added images include the turtle, the frog, and the text.

Selection Projects

During our last class we learned about selections. The ability to select an object right with or without a busy background. We learned how to use the quick selection tool which is for the easier selection processes we had to do. Then we learned how to use the Magic Wand. This was my personal favorite because it allowed us to grab certain areas based on similar colors and textures. Then we learned how to use the magnetic lasso. This was an easy way to grab around edges that were tougher to reach or when the background color was too close to the image color. When using all of these tools, we learned that we could use Refine Edges to make sure that the image didn't grab any background color around the edges or that it didn't look too pixelated. Here is my Selection Assignment from class!

For our at home assignment, we were asked to create 2 different images that were made from using the selections tools that we learned. I decided to make my first one safari themed. I love safari animals and how beautiful these types of landscapes are so I thought it would be perfect. I used the magic wand, quick selection, and magic lasso tool to grab all 5 of these animals. I even used the cloning tool a little bit to make these animals actually look like they were supposed to be in this picture. I added shadowing to make it look like the sun is coming from the right.

For the next selection I made, I decided to think a little outside of the box. I added the fire as well as the rocks around it to set the scene. Then I added the girl in the wet suite who is running into the water to cool off. I placed the surfboard against the boat. In order to make the girl and the surf board fit into the picture I had to change the coloring and make it more dull. I added the birds in the sky to keep the viewers eye moving.