Tuesday 9 December 2014

Duplicate Magazine Spread

This project was a little challenge for me because I was nervous about choosing the right image and making sure it didn't come out pixilated. Once I found the images I wanted the assignment got easier for me. The challenging thing was that I didn't know if I should make the images look exactly alike or similar enough that they could both pass for a magazine spread. Try to guess which one is the read spread!

4 Page Magazine Spread

After learning some techniques in InDesign, we were told to replicate a specific magazine spread that was given to use. We were given the specific images and texts. I learned how to use master pages to set guidelines, create page numbers, and set specific designs that will carry over on all pages. I also learned how to set spacing between texts and how to create a drop text. In this 4 page spread, I continued to use my skills in text threading, shapes, images, and stroked lines.

Introduction to InDesign

InDesign is the easiest program that we have learned so far (in my opinion at least). We were instructed to design our own magazine spread about turtles using a certain text and our own choice of images. We learned to thread text from multiple boxes so it is continuous throughout a page. We used guides to have our images and text line up at a certain spot on the page, especially so they are in equal page sections. Just like Photoshop and Illustrator we are able to use shapes and different line strokes. Here is the page that I made using these new found techniques.

Hierarchy, Grid, & Pattern

Hierarchy is the order of importance within a body of text and or social group. In text, it helps organize what is being written and allows the viewer to navigate well through the text.An example through text would include sections and subsections within the book, magazine, or article. A grid is a network of lines that runs horizontally and vertically in evenly placed increments. Grids don't always have to be strictly horizontal or vertical, they can be angled, circular, or even irregular. Grids require designers to vary placements and scales within their work without making it look disorganized or uneven. Here is an example of a hierarchical grid with text.

Designers create patterns by placing an object in a regular, repeated way. There are different types of patterns; some symmetrical and some asymmetrical. This helps the viewers eye move from place to place. The style of these patterns change throughout fashion movements.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Illustrator imported into Photoshop

In order to refresh our memory of Photoshop, we were given a black and white design that we had to add our own twist to. I used the selection tool, layer masks, and gradient tools to transform this boring design into something more colorful.

Then we used our new skills in Illustrator to create our own design with bland coloring. We had to create 10 different layers with different types of shapes. We also used the rotating tool to create shapes in a uniform pattern. Then we imported this design into Photoshop to continue to refresh our skills. I don't particularly like my imported design just because I think the images could go together better. 

Final Illustrator Project

Once I got more comfortable with Illustrator I started on my final project which was an alphabet of shapes. Since I designed 16 boxes of food in a previous assignment, I decided to continue with that theme. I used images off Google as my inspiration but there was no image tracing involved. I used the images off Google to make sure I knew what each food looked like and then I went with my own twist. For those who don't know what X stands for, it is Xinomarvo grapes that are used to make a certain type of wine. The hardest object for this project was definitely the yogurt. I know it seems simple because of the clear shapes, but it was difficult to show depth. I really liked this project because again it let me used a variety of different shapes. Thus letting me practice all of the skills I obtained with this program.

Personal Logo

I had no idea what direction to go in when creating my own logo. I used the Paint Brush tool to just scribble my initials out. I did this several times until I found one that I liked. From then I used the convert anchor tool to fix a couple of jagged edges. From them I thought I should have a shape go around this script writing. I drew an elephant with the pen tool because it wasn't an ordinary shape but it was something that I liked. I am a big fan of elephants so I thought it was the perfect thing incorporate in my logo. In order to make everything flow I placed the script to look like the elephant had a mouth and a tail.